Spelthorne Atoms players are registered with Basketball England .
These players range from 7 to17 years old.
We have teams playing locally at Chessington in the Surrey Central Venue Leagues.
New players are always welcome of any ability. Some of our players train just for fun, whereas many train competitively to represent the club.
We have had many oustanding players pass through the club and still have many playing for us. Lots of our players represent the county, south of England and even England.
The club has a fantastic atmosphere and all the players always comment on how much they enjoy training.
If you are thinking of joining us then check training times as they do change due to matches. Then come down and see for yourself -
Here at Atoms we have a fantastic selection of coaches who are completely committed to player development.
All of our Coaches are level 2 qualified . We also have Assistant Coaches that help during the training sessions to ensure good Coach:Player ratio.
U10 ,U12 and U14 teams train on a Saturday and our U16 team train on a Thirsday evening.
Coaches work the players through fundementals, conditioning, tactics and plays. There is a high level of discipline to ensure training is productive and fun.
Spelthorne Atoms Basketball Club can guarantee that you will develop as a basketball player when training with us.
We're a successful club .That has in the past competed at the highest level nationally.
To find out more about our teams and coaches select the appropriate age from the drop down tab in the menu.
Each team at Atoms has a Team Manager.
It is a special role we have created
to help share the load. It allows the coach to concentrate on coaching and not get bogged down with admin.
The Manager works very closely with the Coach. Between them they decide who will be asked to play in a game. Players then confirm back to the manager if they will be available to play.
All match fees are collected by the team manager.
Any transport problems are also resolved by the manager.
Spelthorne Atoms Players, Coaches and Managers.