Did you know you can raise funds for Spelthorne Atoms Basketball Club
when you shop online?
We have teamed up with Easyfundraising who provide a great new way for you to raise funds for the Club.
( At no extra cost to you!)
Easyfundraising is a shopping directory listing over 200 of the UK’s best known retailers. All you do is use the links provided on the Easyfundraising site whenever you shop online..e.g. If you wish to do your Tesco shopping.Instead of going onto the Tesco website you go to http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk where after initial registration and Charity/Organisation chosen.(Spelthorne Atoms Basketball Club)
You choose the Tesco link and presto you do your Tesco shopping as normal and the club gets the contribution from the retailer.It even tells you how much you have raised personally.
Up to 15% of every purchase will be raised and some of the UK’s top online retailers are participating in the scheme including; Dell, Woolworths, WH Smith, HMV, Staples, Comet, M&S, Vodafone, eBay, PC World, John Lewis, Direct Line, The AA, Tesco and Thomas Cook amongst many others.
You can even save money as many retailers give extra discounts, special offers and even exclusive e-Voucher codes when you “shop-through” the easyfundraising site.
If you shop online anyway, why not raise extra funds for us by using this free service.
Please take time to visit the site http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk
Your help is very much appreciated, as always.
Thank you
Spelthorne Atoms Basketball Club Fund Raising Committee.
If you have any new ideas for fund raising please tell us or e mail
and your suggestions will be passed on.